

Vicaima in the Media

Vicaima Revolutionises Customer Support and Service Automation with its transformational AI Chatbot

EN | Architects’ Datafile | 08 march

[Full article]

How BIM technology is transforming architecture and construction: a practical insight

EN | The Art of Design | march issue

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Novo refúgio de luxo em Marrocos escolhe Vicaima

PT | Diário de Aveiro | 06 march

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jan/25 | dec/24 | nov/24 | oct/24 | sep/24 | july/24 | june/24 | may/24 | apr/24 | feb/24 | jan/24 | dec/23 | nov/23 | oct/23


Vicaima in the World

Experience the future with Vicaima 24/7

EN | Future Constructor & Architect | march issue

[Full article]

Escola 42 Porto muda-se para edifício da Meo com capacidade para 600 alunos

PT | ECO | 21 march

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Vicaima instala sus revestimientos en el colegio gibraltareño Governor's Meadow Lower Primary School

ES | CIC Construcción | 21 march

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jan/25 | dec/24 | nov/24 | oct/24 | sep/24 | july/24 | june/24 | may/24 | apr/24 | feb/24 | jan/24 | dec/23 | nov/23 | oct/23


Also in the Media

Cadeia St. Regis Hotels & Resorts escolhe portas de alta performance da Vicaima
PT | Novoperfil | 03 march
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St. Regis Hotels elige puertas Vicaima para su nuevo resort en Marruecos
ES | Equipamiento Hostelero | 07 march
[Full article]


“Parar de crescer é começar a morrer”
PT | ECO | 15 march
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Vicaima equipa nova escola em Gibraltar
PT | Jornal da Construção | 21 march
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How BIM technology is transforming architecture and construction: a practical insight
EN | Architect Projects | march issue
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Novo refúgio de luxo em Marrocos escolhe Vicaima para instalação de portas de alta
PT | Espaço Arquitetura | 05 march
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Vicaima Revolutionises Customer Support and Service Automation with its transformational AI Chatbot
EN | Building Construction Design | 08 march
[Full article]


Vicaima equipa a escola básica Governor’s Meadow Lower em Gibraltar
PT | Construir | 19 march
[Full article]


La Governor's Meadow Lower Primary School de Gibraltar cuenta con soluciones Vicaima
ES | Ecoconstrución | 25 march
[Full article]


Vicaima Revolutionises Customer Support and Service Automation with its transformational AI Chatbot
EN | The Architectural Technologists Book | march issue
[Full article]


Hotel de luxo em Marrocos escolhe Vicaima para instalação de portas de alta performance
PT  | Jornal da Construção | 05 march
[Full article]


Último bootcamp de Inverno da 42 Lisboa conta com quase 200 candidatos
PT  | Human Resources Portugal  | 11 march
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Governor’s Meadow Lower Primary School equipada pela Vicaima
PT  | Novoperfil | 20 march
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Edifício histórico da MEO no Porto torna-se a nova sede da 42 e vai poder receber 600 alunos
PT  | Human Resources Portugal | 25 march
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