



Sustainable and Innovative Products


Less plastic, less waste
Lower environmental impact


In order to reduce the consumption of packaging materials and the waste generated during the process, new practices were implemented and new investments were studied, which would ensure the perfect packaging of the product and allow for a lower environmental impact in the use of packaging materials.

The "LessPlastic" project thus emerged in 2018 with a dedicated team that, over the last few years, has worked on essential points associated with packaging, such as:


This project has made it possible to achieve a reduction in plastic consumption of around 15% in 2022 compared to 2021 and a significant reduction of 38% compared to the start-up year of the "LessPlastic" project in 2018.




Favour consumption of plastic with recycled content


The possibility of using recycled plastic in the packaging of our products is relatively recent and has been growing in the Group's industrial activities. Vicaima Limited is an example of this, having recorded in 2022 the use of 86% plastic with a 30% recycled content.

As far as Vicaima Indústria is concerned, in 2022 we began testing and upgrading our industrial equipment with the aim of increasing the use of plastics incorporating recycled materials to 35% by the end of 2023.









Investing in new equipment that allows the increasing use of cardboard packaging


In 2022 we installed a new door packaging line that combines shrink wrap and carton packaging technologies in a single line, which can be carried out in individual operations or in combined mode.

This investment allows us to use shrink-wrap with a 20% reduction in grammage, reducing waste by the width of the plastic used, particularly in setup changes and lower energy consumption in the tunnel.

The use of cardboard boxes to package products is an alternative to using plastic, but industrial capacity must be available to package the doors individually, cost-effectively. The investment in this new hybrid packaging line mitigates this lack of capacity, allowing us to increase our capacity to pack doors in cardboard boxes fivefold, one of the main objectives being to offer and promote this more sustainable alternative to our customers.



Did you know…

We've changed all our Portaro® technical solutions to cardboard packaging?

Currently, Vicaima Indústria has already implemented a significant change in the packaging of Portaro® technical solutions by switching from plastic-wrapped to individual packaging in a cardboard box, which is therefore more sustainable. This more sustainable change, with less environmental impact, applies specifically to Portaro® solutions: Fire, Fire and Acoustic and Security.