Climate change and the consequent escalation of global warming are the main reflection of the increase in GHG emissions. With the industrial sector playing an important role in the Vicaima Group's activity and looking at this challenge also as an opportunity for growth, we are committed to reducing our carbon footprint by developing and implementing innovative solutions that optimise the use of energy resources, boost digitalisation and improve production efficiency, making our contribution to mitigating these changes. It is our ambition to reduce GHG emissions by 50% by 2030, considering the reference year of 2018.
In 2023, the Vicaima Group's GHG emissions from its activities, scope 1 and 2(1), totalled 4,467 tCO2e, a reduction of 476 tCO2e compared to the previous year. It should be noted that when compared to 2019, from which we managed to maintain a constant downward trend, we recorded a significant reduction in GHG emissions of 41%.
This reduction, achieved in 2023, is the result of specific projects aimed at reducing GHG emissions, as well as others that have contributed to reducing consumption, particularly of energy, with a consequent positive impact on our emissions.
(1) Scope 1 - Direct emissions, as a result of our operations
Scope 2 - Indirect emissions, from the electricity we purchase
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